My first week at ProPel !!

When I first heard of the propel program I never thought that I would have the opportunity to actually participate in it. I first heard of it when my friend was talking about it and I noticed how much she enjoyed it so I thought maybe I would like it too. I thought it would be really cool if I could go but at the same time I was nervous to leave my home school to go to another one for an entire semester, with all these new people. I was hesitant on leaving but when I heard all the things I would have to gain at this program I knew it was the right thing for me. What really made me excited was the recommendation letter that a teacher gave me saying how she thought that I would have a good time in this program, it was flattering and I was so excited to have gotten an interview! I brought the letter home to my parents and instantly they were pushing me to attend.

To keep this brief, I thought that the ProPel program would be a perfect fit for me because I never retained any concrete and specific information from regular school in classrooms and thought this would be an interesting experience and I thought it would offer some brain stimulation for a change. I am extremely excited and motivated to start this awesome program !


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